Evolution Mining Ltd (EVN:ASX)

Top Performing ASX Gold Stock!

Evolution Mining LImited share price chart EVN July 2023

What does Evolution Mining Limited (EVN ASX) do?

This company has diversified gold mining operations in Australia, operating six domestic gold mines, and is the country's second largest producer of gold. Evolution has the second lowest costs of the top ten gold production companies globally.

Evolution Mining Limited operate five wholly owned mines across Australia and Ontario, Canada. In addition they hold an economic interest in the Ernest Henry copper-gold mine in Queensland. Evolution Mining ltd has also invested in the Red Lake mining complex.

Evolution Mining Limited - Share price and Research

Investment by Evolution Mining Limited in its operation is driving production growth from 660k ounce to 770k in FY24 driving revenue for this ASX company.

What is the Share price of Evolution Mining Limited?

EVN share price is currently $3.43. Our resources analyst team first recommended Evolution Mining as a buy recommendation in October 2015 when the EVN share price was $1.64. It has a market cap of $6.5billion.

Is Evolution Mining (ASX EVN) a buy?

We first recommended Evolution Mining as a BUY at $1.64 in October 2015.

It now trades over $3.43! EVM share price has risen $1.79c per share. Our ASX Gold Stocks have delivered big returns to our stock report subscribers.

In October 2022 (Small Cap Report: Issue 521), we recommended Evolution Mining limited as a buy and the stock has returned 70% since then.

Evolution Mining has consistently been one of Under the Radar Report’s best performing asx stocks over the long-term in the sector.

Before you invest or trade your Evolution Mining shares for your portfolio read our latest independent research including the latest company data and latest news by our top performing ASX resources analyst.

Read all our data and analysis now plus Access our latest Best Stocks to Buy table of 10 Small Cap companies now!

What is the dividend policy of Evolution Mining?

Evolution Mining which is listed on the ASX has a strategy to pay dividends. The dividend yield is 1.3 cents. This is a forecast dividend of 4.5 cents. It's dividend policy is to pay half-yearly dividends equivalent of 50% of the Group's after tax earnings. They have paid dividends consistently for years.

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Is Evolution Mining Australian owned?

Evolution Mining ltd is a company listed on the ASX and is owned by shareholders and investors.

Where is Evolution Mining located?

Evolution Mining’s Australian dominated portfolio comprises mines in Cowal in New South Wales, Red Lake (Canada), Mungari in Western Australia near Kalgoorlie and Ernest Henry in Queensland near Mt Isa).

Evolution Mining business assets including Mt Rawdon

Evolution Mining Open Pit Gold Mine

Evolution Mining open-pit gold mine

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