Infomedia Ltd (IFM:ASX)

Top Performing ASX Technology Stocks!

IFM ASX Share Price Chart 18 Sep 23

Infomedia Ltd (IFM) is a leading global provider of DaaS and SaaS solutions that empowers the data-driven automotive industry ecosystem. The group is one of three leading publishers of car parts and prices, servicing dealer networks around the world. It is mission critical for the auto-dealers of this world to have its electronic parts catalogue (EPC) on hand.

Investment Summary

IFM has a strong balance sheet, servicing a strong niche in the parts and service sector. It is profitable, has net cash, and has reliable earnings. It also pays dividends, and is valued highly in the market.

Current Operations

Infomedia's solutions target the automotive industry, helping Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs), National Sales Centres (NSCs), dealerships and 3rd party partners manage the vehicle and customer lifecycle. It electronic parts catalogue ensures fast and efficient repairs, creating a data driven automotive ecosystem at which they have a primary role in ensuring. They are used by over 250,000 industry professionals, across 50 OEM brands and in 186 countries to create a convenient customer journey, drive dealer efficiencies and grow sales.Want to see other interesting ASX Technology stocks?

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