Macquarie Technology Group limited (MAQ: ASX)

Top Performing ASX Technology Stocks!

MAQ ASX Share Price Chart 18 Sep 23

Macquarie technology group, formally Macquarie Telecom is a full-service provider for telecommunication cloud computing cybersecurity and data centres. For business customers they specialise in hybrid IT, integrating colocation, cloud and dedicated servers. Different applications need different types of hosting. MacTel is a specialist in cyber security, secure cloud and colocation services for the Federal Government.

Investment Summary

Macquarie has a strong balance sheet, with low debt, a history of limited if any capital raising, and a focus on using its profitable business to further expand its services. As a result it is financially resilient, with irreplaceable physical assets, connected to a profitable and debt free business.

Macquarie Telecom’s success seems inevitable now, but when we first covered it we wore quite a bit of pain for over 12 months. When we spoke to CEO David Tudehope a number of years ago he expressed frustration that his company’s transformation from a telecom reseller into a software as a service cloud operator wasn’t being reflected in a growing share price. The company’s model is capital intensive, but because of its founders, and strong core, MAQ has rarely raised capital and has invested heavily on customer service boosting its returns. That investment is still paying dividends, currently through growth because they’ve stopped paying them to focus on expanding MAQ's capabilities.

Current Operations

Macquarie technology group services corporate and government customers, and is split into four core business structures, focusing on cloud services, Government customers, Telecommunication, and Data centres.

  • Telecommunications is the historical core of the business, focusing on providing businesses with quality wifi and internet connections utilising an SD WAN system. It's success and +7000 users are driven by customer experience focused operations with strong support and instructions to maximise usage. it has since diversified into data centres and cloud services, forming the following cores.

  • Macquarie Data Centres is its digital infrastructure space, with 5 physical, secure, tier III data centres around Sydney and Canberra. Its data centre services provides the strength and resilience in the technological space with minimal interruption, is the key resource for the following two businesses, and is set to expand its physical footprint further.

  • Government customers in particular are offered cybersecurity operations and protection, with 42% of the federal government utilising Macquarie's secure servers and services, covering data storage to communications.

  • Macquarie cloud services promise to provide a suitable and supported IT cloud platform for use in business and corporate environments.

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