What does Ramelius Resources (ASX: RMS) do?
Ramelius Resources is a gold mining production company based in Western Australia. It's existing gold production provides leverage to the gold price without excessive risk.
This is one of the few small cap gold producers on the ASX. It has built a formidable asset base in Western Australia, which includes significant development and exploration potential.
Ramelius Resources Limited (ASX: RMS) - Share Price and Research
Ramelius Resources Limited (RMS) is an ASX-listed mine and gold producer. Initially it produces the gold from the Mt Magnet gold mine. The company also holds and operates a number of gold mines, including Mt Magnet and Rebecca Gold projects which are located throughout West Australia.
What is the share price of Ramelius Resources Limited?
RMS share price is currently $1.26. Our analyst team first recommended Ramelius Resources as a buy recommendation in December 2022 when it's share price was $0.86. It has a market cap of $1.2billion.
Is RMS a buy?
We first recommended RMS as a BUY at $0.86 in December 2022
It now trades over $1.26! It's share price has risen 40c per share. Our Gold Stocks have delivered big returns to our stock report subscribers.
Before you invest or trade your Ramelius Resources Limited shares for your portfolio read our latest independent research including the latest company data and latest news on the company by our top performing Gold analyst.
Read all our data and analysis now plus Access our latest Best Stocks to Buy table of 10 Small Cap companies now!
What is the dividend policy of Ramelius Resources?
Ramelius Resources Limited has paid out dividends since 2019. It's dividend yield is 1.2%.
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Where is Ramelius Resources located?
Ramelius Resources is located in Western Australia. RMS is a gold production company and it has two centres in Western Australia: Mt Magnet and the Edna May gold mine, near Westonia. Production has benefitted from four assets that were acquired over the past four years. A third production centre is being planned to accomodate expansion.
The Vivien gold mine is located near the Agnew Gold Mine, 15km west of Leinster in Western Australia. The penny gold mine is 150km south-east of Ramelius resources' Mt Magnet mining and processing operations which is 550km north-east of Perth in Western Australia.
What do they mine at Mount Magnet?
The company owns a 2m tonne a year plant where it operates mt magnet gold project with both open pit and an underground gold mine. High grade ore from the Vivien gold mine underground has been hauled by Ramelius Resources limited since 2016, while high grade Penny gold mines underground ore is scheduled for haulage from 1Q23.
Edna May gold mine has a 2.6m tonne a year plant primarily fed from satellite mines as well as high grade underground ore nearby. Ore from the Marda open pit has been trucked by the production company 170km to Edna May since 2020.
Exploration Growth from Rebecca Gold Project
Ramelius Resources limited acquired the Rebecca gold project in late 2021 with production estimated within 3 years. Exploration drilling is encouraging with high grades.
Ramelius Resources limited continues to find new deposits at Mt Edna and Mt Magnet which bodes well for mine life extensions.
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